Student Life
Living on CampusThis is a tight community of people who come from all kinds of different backgrounds to live together, work together, play together, and learn from each other. 90% of students and many faculty and staff members live on campus. Students live in one of 16 residence halls, each with their own character, and we take pride in our effort toward sustainable living.
Keeping BusyWe’re all about exploring new and different things. Try out our climbing wall, schedule time in the recording studio, take classes at the gym. Students host dances, festivals, concerns, and lectures year-round. And if you’re into the outdoors, it’s all in our backyard — biking, climbing, caving, whitewater, snow sports, timbersports, and more.
Student Work Crew
We believe in rolling up our sleeves for the common good. More than 1,200 student work crews support all aspects of campus operations in various departments and sectors. Everything from agriculture, plumbing to technical support, library research to raising cattle, and harvesting timber to recycling, cleaning, vineyard research, coffee centers, wine centers and other light jobs. Through your work, you’ll find mentors and develop friendships that will last a lifetime.
Travel Anywhere,
Rheinsberg has programs all over the world.
With hundreds of programs around the world during the semester, year, summer, and winter, there is a program for every student. Study Abroad develops programs and facilitates educational experiences in over 48 countries. Students can study abroad during the summer term, fall semester, spring semester or during a full academic year. |
For Every Student,
In today’s interconnected world, students who enter the workforce having had a strong global experience hold a significant advantage over their competition. Rheinsberg helps expand students’ global education through our 190 study abroad and service-learning abroad programs. With scholarship offerings and opportunities in every world region regardless of major, study abroad is an option for every Rheinsberg student, not just a select few